



作为一个拥有 丰富多彩的夜生活休斯顿为居民和游客提供了各种各样的探索选择. Those who prefer handcrafted cocktails, wine or beer have a lot of exciting options to choose from.

其中一些酒吧提供的不仅仅是一种精致的饮料. From a bar featuring whimsical designs in the modish Midtown neighborhood to a brewery with expansive outdoor space in vibrant EaDo, 休斯顿的场馆提供了真正独特的体验. 



第八奇迹啤酒厂 & 酒厂
距离BBVA体育场仅几个街区.第八奇迹是h镇的瑰宝. 由Ryan Soroka和Aaron Corsi于2013年共同创立, 从那以后,这家啤酒厂就赢得了“休斯顿之爱”的声誉, 饮料, 多样性和乐趣. 有精心安排的活动日历和特殊日期, 这家啤酒厂接待各种背景的人, 在他们广阔的场地提供各种各样的饮料. The brewery was named in honor of the once-dubbed “8th Wonder of the World,” the Astrodome.

Hga010皇冠软件下载喜欢向这座城市致敬,”索罗卡说. “休斯顿是我的家。."

照片由cdercade Houston的脸谱网页面提供

自2021年1月这家无现金酒吧进入休斯顿第二区以来, it’s become a hotspot for young adults and families seeking a fun daytime experience. 这家位于达拉斯的酒吧提供超过275个街机游戏和48个水龙头可供选择. 你是否想尝尝他们的流行苹果酒, 重温儿时的游戏或探索新的爱好, 酒庄休斯顿是一个理想的选择,一个夏夜外出.

Hga010皇冠软件下载打破了酒吧和俱乐部的单调,“亨特·艾奇伯格, 市场总监, 告诉合伙人. “We’re the perfect spot to gather and have a fun, safe, memorable night out with friends or family.”


来到这家中城酒吧的游客可以看到一尊大卫雕像, 爱国球坑, an astronaut and a ‘secret’ door behind a painting of the Mona Lisa holding the so-called "Baby Yoda" at 想知道酒吧, 一种美学上异想天开的体验. The venue combines a classic 饮料-and-music setting with unusual exhibits that incite curiosity and wonderment. 这家酒吧的最新产品之一是用冰雕杯子提供饮料, 使这里成为休斯顿炎热夏季的理想去处.


位于休斯顿著名的同性恋酒吧, EJ的, 曾经站在蒙特罗斯, 拉格兰奇拥有一个吸引人的气氛为任何人群. 同时尊重百年建筑的历史, 酒吧增加了一个露台,提供了一个两层的活动空间, 现场音乐, DJ, 以及一个二级户外酒吧. 酒吧提供龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡尔特产,让游客回来.

“This is what hospitality is about,” La Grange Manager Chris Cusack 告诉合伙人. “这是一个容易进入的地方……不仅仅是一个人群.” 



这是白犀牛餐厅的合伙人鲍比·德拉罗萨对餐厅氛围的描述, 暗指建筑的高科技欧洲涂料可以净化空气. Named in recognition of the animal by the same name that’s classified as "near threatened," this environmentally-friendly bar recycles its glass bottles with pulverizing in-house machinery to turn into sand to spread over their patio. The East End green bar offers plenty of drink options as a neighborhood bar for young professionals. 


The rum and tiki bar located in the Houston Heights neighborhood introduced its ‘tiki-activities’ in February 2014. The cocktails and Hawaiian tunes ensure customers are immersed in a truly unique atmosp在这里.

“T在这里's a specific palate in Houston when it comes to cocktails and we wanted to adapt our offerings to a Southeast Texas taste,合伙人拉塞尔·西奥德告诉记者 食者休斯顿

而当地的夜生活选择也在不断增加, some locations establish a steppingstone to what places can achieve and convey as a spot to drink and socialize. 

了解更多关于Hga010皇冠软件下载的餐厅和夜生活 在这里




美国.S. 美国陆军工程兵团(USACE)宣布已拨款500美元,为加尔维斯顿的海岸屏障工程捐款, 也被称为艾克堤, a crucial project that aims to mitigate crippling flooding from catastrophic storm surges in vulnerable communities along the coastline.   The first round of funding will facilitate the preconstruction engineering and design phase of the first segment of the Bolivar Peninsula and West Bay Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Shoreline and Island Protection feature, 通常被称为生态系统恢复功能G-28, 根据墨西哥湾海岸保护区.   单击展开 该项目包括加尔维斯顿湾风暴潮屏障系统, 包括八个海湾和海湾防御项目. 其中包括玻利瓦尔道路大门系统, a two-mile-long closure structure situated between Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula. 该屏障旨在减少进入海湾的风暴潮, offering direct protection against storm surges for communities residing on the barrier island.  与此同时, the West Bay Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Shoreline and Island Protection portion of 这个项目 will focus on coastal restoration, 包括玻利瓦尔半岛和西加尔维斯顿岛的海滩和沙丘. It will also protect critical fish and wildlife habitat against coastal storms and erosion processes.  In addition to enhancing coastal resilience and protecting vulnerable communities from storm surges, this critical project will save tens of billions of dollars in disaster recovery funding and safeguard the Houston Ship Channel, 这是一个经济引擎,帮助推动了该地区和国家的发展.  “沿海德克萨斯项目是美国历史上最大的项目之一.S. 陆军工程兵团,”上校说. 瑞德一. 美国空军加尔维斯顿地区指挥官布莱克蒙在一份声明中说. “这个项目对国家来说很重要,原因有很多. 这不仅会减少德克萨斯沿岸脆弱人群的风险, but it will also protect vital ecosystems and economically critical infrastructure vital to the U.S. 供应链和许多全球产业位于这里.”  The Greater Houston Partnership has actively advocated to propel the Coastal Texas Project and other initiatives like it forward for years. 该组织最近一次访问了华盛顿特区.C., to advocate for the use of funds from the new Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) program, which would provide billions of dollars for flood mitigation projects in the Houston region.  The Houston region consistently works to identify flood mitigation solutions and funding opportunities. 就在最近,美国政府宣布了.S. Department of 运输 granted Harris County and the Houston-Galveston Area Council over $10 million to bolster transportation infrastructure projects that aim to enhance resiliency against climate change.  了解更多关于德克萨斯海岸项目的信息. 


一度以乡村魅力和农业遗产为特色, 春天的分支, 坐落在休斯顿的中心, 经历了重大的转变, 发展成为一个繁华的社区.  在过去十年中, 春天的分支的人口显著增加, 从107开始,271 to 120,667居民, 根据春枝管理区(SBMD). 坐落在休斯敦主干道的十字路口- 10号州际公路, 环城公路8, Highway 290 and the 610 Loop - 春天的分支 provides accessibility to some of the city’s busiest areas. The area is also strategically positioned near the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Corridor, Downtown and Memorial. 这种大幅增长, 再加上无缝的城市连接, 是否将其定位为吸引新开发项目和商业活动的目的地.   单击展开 威特道重建计划 去年,威特道重建项目完成,改造了一个以前的1.53-acre warehouse on Witte and Westview roads into a neighborhood hotspot for dining and retail. 该开发项目以两个旗舰Underbelly Hospitality概念为特色, 野生燕麦和下腹部汉堡, 在诱饵旁边, 一个广阔的室外酒吧与沙排球场.  休斯顿新发现的合作伙伴, 一家新的商业房地产公司, 最近还重新开发了一个28,威特路1106号500平方英尺的工业大楼改造成了一座创新的, 单层办公发展. 这座建筑现在是新发现的总部,也是坎农菲尔德的所在地, 莱格公司, On Point Custom 首页s等.   单击展开 MarqE娱乐中心 与此同时,春天的分支的烹饪界也因新皇冠HGA010官方下载而蓬勃发展. 值得注意的是, 克里斯汀•哈, 第三季的冠军, 未揭开的肚子, 一个新颖的得来速三明治概念, 去年. 飞行员披萨 & Drafthouse and SeaSide Poke were unveiled this year as the latest additions to 春天的分支's MarqE娱乐中心. 另外, beloved Heights hand-rolled sushi eatery Hando and a new cafe venture by the owners of Urban Eats, 被称为盐 & Sugar, are expanding into the area.   单击展开 春枝小径 在持续的成长和发展中, 春天的分支 remains committed to elevating its quality of life through the enhancement of parks, 绿地及小径. SBMD recently announced that construction is set to commence this summer on a 1-mile concrete stretch that will connect two existing hike-and-bike trails – Emnora and 春天的分支.   预计将于2025年完工, this project marks the third phase of SBMD's comprehensive strategy to link the Addicks Reservoir near 环城公路8 with the White Oak Bayou Greenway. 最初阶段于2020年完成,引入了2.4英里的春枝小径, with the second phase set to expand upon this trail once nearby utility tower work concludes.  单击展开 哈登公园效果图 另外, SBMD正在努力振兴哈登公园, 占地13英亩,位于长角和维特路的东北角. 根据SBMB的2024年总体规划, 这个项目, 预计将于2025年开始建设, 会增加活动草坪吗, 狗公园, 飞溅垫, 树屋, pickleball法院, 操场和公共艺术设施, 以及对现有基础设施的其他改进.  探索休斯顿的街区和社区.  

